Eerie elegant ancestors
Addams Family ancestors dance during the song “When You’re an Addams.” From left: Deborah Perry, Brianna Cardoso, Zachary Hebert, Aylin Robertson, Erika Douglas, Isaiah Geraldez, and Sasha Vodov. The Bromfield Performing Arts Department production of The Addams Family took place March 14–16 at Cronin Auditorium. (Photo by Jen Manell) MORE PHOTOS
Department of Public Works Director David Smith is resigning his position effective May 19. In a letter to Town Administrator Dan Nason, Smith cited hostility and harassment by a small group of DPW employees as the reason for his resignation.
Two weeks ago, the U.S. Department of Agriculture notified every state in the country that it was canceling the Local Foods for Schools Program and the Local Food Purchase Assistance Program.
Candidates for elected town boards and committees have been in short supply for the last decade or so, but things are looking up.
It took two sessions of 2024 Annual Town Meeting last year—one in the spring, and another in the fall—to debate and decide 39 articles. But at this year’s Annual Town Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, May 3, voters will be asked to act on 44 items in a single afternoon.
The Select Board voted Tuesday night to reconsider the fiscal 2026 budget it approved just one week ago. The new proposal makes no change to the additional $1.37 million that town departments and the schools say they need to provide the services residents expect. But it does increase the amount included in the first tier of the board’s two-tier tax override by approximately $157,000, with the additional money allocated to the schools.
At Town Meeting May 3, the Planning Board will ask residents to enact a bylaw creating a new zoning district for approximately 89 lots in the heart of Harvard. Adopting a bylaw to create a town center overlay district would make it easier for property owners to renovate, expand, and even change the use of their properties.
In a unanimous vote Tuesday, Feb. 25, the Select Board approved the zero-emission vehicle first policy.
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"A budget tells us what we can’t afford, but it doesn’t keep us from buying it." —William Feather (1889–1981, American publisher and writer)
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