Email your classified ad to
Deadline is noon on Tuesday to appear in that week's print version of the Press.

$10 per week for up to 35 words. $20 per week for 36 to 70 words. 10% discount if ad is placed for 8 weeks or longer.

No charge for "For Free" or "Lost and Found" items or for high school students looking for jobs.

Services Offered

Services Offered

Harvard Home Improvement

Carpentry, painting, tile work, kitchen and bath remodeling, custom closets and shelving. Specializing in home maintenance and renewal. Small jobs welcome. Accepting reservations for winter and spring. William Kellogg, 617-645-9464

Services Offered

Great Road Farm & Garden

Sales and service for your snowblower and lawn/garden power equipment needs. Route 119 in Littleton. Pickup/delivery daily. Monday-Saturday 8-5, Sunday 10-3. Call 978-486-9200 or email to schedule an appointment.

Services Offered

ProTeam Cleaning Company

Insured and bonded. Reasonable rates. References available. Free estimates. Call 978-230-1496 or email

Services Offered

Lawn mowers, tractors, snowblowers, small engine service and repair

Factory authorized for Honda, Kohler, and Briggs & Stratton. Quality service and reasonable rates. Free pickup and delivery in Harvard. Kevin at Lyons Repair Service, 978-844-3858.

Services Offered

Need a ride to Logan?

Crown Livery has returned from Covid hiatus offering private transportation. We also offer exclusive drive-your-vehicle service to and from Logan Airport.  978-434-6268

Services Offered

Private Pottery Lessons

Learn the potter's wheel, handbuilding, glazing, and more. Tailored to individuals. 8-week session or hourly instruction. Daytime, weeknight, and weekend options. Studio in Harvard.

Contact Alex, 774-515-0160,,  @alexandrajenniferceramics

Services Offered

Architectural design and drafting

Design and drafting services for commercial and residential projects large or small. Renovations, additions, new construction, existing conditions, surveying, and drafting. Contact:

Services Offered

Custom upholstery

We’ve got you covered in everything fabric! Reupholstery, slipcovers, window treatments, cushions, pillows. Mother/daughter team with 20 years’ experience. Free consultation, pickup/delivery, help finding discount fabrics. You may text your project photos. Contact Andrea Carman at 978-425-9386 or

Services Offered

Handyman services

Licensed and insured. Local references. 508-685-3468

Services Offered

Plastering by Thomas

New or old homes, additions, ceilings, wall. Plastering jobs of any size. Expert repairs on all surfaces. Clean, neat work space after job is done. Free estimates. Thomas Montgomery, 978-724-3367.

Services Offered

Harvard Painting

25 years specializing in fast, high-quality, interior work. Owner/operator with the best products. Satisfaction guaranteed. All local references. Immediate response. Free estimates. Call Chris at 617-650-4689. 


Harvard Press Classified Ads Westward Orchards Harvard Outdoor Power Equipment Jenn Gavin, Realtor Jasonics Security Mill Road Tire & Auto Haschig Homes Erin McBee, Attorney Kitchen Outfitters Chestnut Tree & Landscape Mike Moran Painting Jo Karen Inspired Design Sarah Cameron Real Estate Hazel & Co. Real Estate Warren Design Build Ann Cohen, Realtor Harvard General Store Rollstone Bank & Trust Flagg Tree Service Shannon Boeckelman Cherrystone Furniture Great Road Farm and Garden Central Ave Auto Repair Harvard Custom Woodworking Blinn Carpentry & Design Karen Shea, Realtor Badger Funeral Home Colonial Spirits Dinner at Deadline