by Liz Ruark ·
Friday, March 21, 2025
Three weeks ago, the Select Board censured then-chair Don Ludwig and asked him to resign from the Select Board entirely. They also rescinded his assignments as Select Board liaison to other town boards. Those actions were taken because he had violated the board’s code of conduct with his appalling social media posts in which he publicly degraded women, people with disabilities and chronic illnesses, people of color, immigrants, and queer people. (He also displayed disdain for settled public health and climate science. Perhaps willful ignorance is not a censurable offense, but I expect town leadership to be willing and able to identify reliable information.) Unfortunately, our current town charter does not give the board the option of forcibly removing him.
And yet, Don Ludwig remains on the board. Not only that, but he is running for reelection.
These are not the actions of a responsible, accountable adult, let alone someone with the kind of character that makes them fit to serve as part of the executive branch of town government—or any government.
Is that who you want to represent you?
Liz Ruark
Orchard Hill