
Notice Board: March 21, 2025

License your dog

All dogs must be licensed annually on or before April 1, and puppies must be licensed at 6 months of age. New dogs and those belonging to new residents must be licensed within 30 days. A late fee of $50 per dog will be assessed after April 1. To learn more and to download a registration form, visit harvard-ma.gov and enter “Dog Licenses 2025” in the search window.

Rabies clinics for pets

The Nashoba Associated Boards of Health has announced the schedule for their 2025 rabies vaccination clinics for pets. Harvard residents may go to any of several clinics in surrounding communities now through late April. For a list of clinics and dates visit the Board of Health section of the town website at www.harvard-ma.gov/board-health, and select the rabies clinic announcement.

Ginny Thurston Scholarship

The Select Board offers financial assistance to graduating Bromfield seniors through the Ginny Thurston Scholarship fund. Interested students should visit the Select Board page on the town website for more details, or contact Julie Doucet at jdoucet@harvard-ma.gov in the Select Board office. Letters of interest are due no later than Friday, April 18.

Boat storage lottery open

Harvard Park and Recreation offers boat storage at Bare Hill Pond for Harvard residents and taxpayers. There are storage racks for canoes, kayaks, or paddleboards; boat moorings in the cove and near the picnic area; and boat slips. Demand is high, and spots are awarded annually by lottery. The lottery is open through March 31; winners will be announced in April. For more information and to register, visit harvardma.myrec.com, select “Programs,” then “Boating: Boat Storage/Lottery.”

Free house number signs

Harvard Fire-EMS is accepting requests for house number signs. Can responders find you? Is your house number clearly visible from the road? Residents can sign up for a reflective house number sign to make their driveways more visible to emergency services. Free for Harvard residents, sign up at signs.harvardfire.com. Signs are custom made and delivery may take a few months.

Amphibian alert

Residents are reminded to watch for amphibians as they emerge from their winter retreats and travel to breeding sites. They often cross roads. Avoid traveling on small roads near wetlands and vernal pools on warm, rainy nights.

Hazardous waste collection

The Devens Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center will receive hazardous waste on Wednesday, April 2 and Saturday, April 5, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at 9 Cook Street (rear), Devens. Closed during rain; reopens when rain stops. For information on items accepted, packaging, and fees, visit DevensHHW.com.

Mud season underway

With mud season starting and the ground vulnerable to potholes, rutting, and erosion, the Conservation Commission asks residents to exercise care on town trails. Minimize trail damage by following these guidelines:

  • Horseback riders and bicyclists should avoid trails until they firm up.
  • Vehicles must keep to gravel parking areas and off muddy edges.
  • Trail walkers and runners should avoid widening wet trail areas by keeping to existing trails or rock-hopping.
  • The running track through the woods at Harvard Park is built with drainage and a compacted surface; it is a good option at this time of year.

Use rodenticide wisely

According to Friends of Worcester Wildlife, rodenticide is killing more than just rats and mice: A 2020 study at Tufts Veterinary School found that 100% of red-tailed hawks coming to their facility had anticoagulants in their systems. Anyone using anticoagulant rodenticide—even in bait boxes designed to be “safe” for pets and children—should know that alternatives can be effective without killing birds of prey, such as hawks, owls, and bald eagles, and predators, such as foxes and coyotes. Pets can also be at risk.

To learn about safer rodenticides, go to the storymaps site at bit.ly/3AMWZyC and click on “How you can help.”

Devens noise report

  • Throughout March, small arms fire
  • March 23-26, grenades, mortars, machine guns
  • March 29, machine guns.

Park-and-ride shuttle to Littleton station

The Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) provides commuter shuttle service connecting Harvard residents to the Littleton commuter rail station. Shuttles stop at the Holy Trinity parking lot at 15 Still River Road and at the business plaza at 285 Ayer Road, and shuttle riders can park their cars at these locations. For pickup times, go to mrta.us, click on “Schedules and Maps,” and then on “Harvard Commuter Shuttle.”

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