by Abby Besse ·
Friday, March 21, 2025
Throughout the FY26 budget process, there have been narratives about the school budget circulating throughout our community that are not entirely accurate. This has created misunderstandings and generated questions about what differs between the FY25 and proposed FY26 budgets. These misunderstandings may stem from confusion about how municipal and school budgets are appropriated, as well as from the use of data in ways that can be misleading. It’s important that we, as a community, base our discussions and decisions on facts.
One of the best ways to get accurate information is to attend the FY26 school budget hearing on Monday, March 24, at 6:15 p.m. via Zoom (check the town website for the agenda with Zoom link). This annual public hearing, mandated by Massachusetts General Law, is an opportunity for residents to listen, ask questions, and gain a clearer understanding of the FY26 school budget. While the hearing was officially announced in the Harvard Press last week, the notice was small, and I want to ensure that everyone is aware of this important opportunity for public engagement. Budget documents can be found on the Harvard Public Schools’ website,, under Departments>>Business Office>>Budget.
All residents are encouraged to attend, ask questions, and be part of an informed conversation. A well-informed community leads to stronger schools and better decision-making for our town. I hope to see you there.
Abby Besse
Westcott Road