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Stepping out
From left: Suzanne Buell and Steve Peisch perform at Carlson’s Cider Barn, Jan. 31, as Marin McGlone dances with her mother, Kirsten. (Photo by Lisa Aciukewicz)
Local leaders and elected officials have reacted quickly to a new federal directive allowing immigration agents to make arrests at schools and churches—locations where they were previously barred.
The Town Caucus may have fallen victim to the pandemic, but this is still nomination season.
There are a total of seven open seats in the May 6 election. All terms start immediately after the election, except for the terms of School Committee members, which start on the first business day of July after the election.
The latest financial forecast for fiscal 2026 landed like a worrisome medical diagnosis this week, with bad news for taxpayers and challenges for the town’s providers of services.
The Capital Planning and Investment Committee voted to recommend spending $1,992,000 for a variety of purposes in fiscal 2026, from buying land for a new athletic field to replacing the seats in Cronin Auditorium.
Even as the School Committee and district administrators struggle to lower their budget requests for the next fiscal year, school expenses for the current year are running ahead of budget.
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