Hot chili
Paul Kudlich passes a chili sample to Spencer McEwen at the rescheduled Lions Club Winter Fest at Carlson Orchards, March 2. The chili cook-off was just one of the many fun events. (Photo by Lisa Aciukewicz) MORE PHOTOS
The Select Board voted Tuesday night to offer voters a fiscal layer cake at Town Meeting in May, one that allows voters to choose how much they are willing to increase property taxes to pay for the personnel and expenses that town departments and the schools say are necessary to adequately serve the town in the coming fiscal year.
It’s been a week since the Select Board voted unanimously to censure former chair Don Ludwig for his derogatory posts to the X social media platform and asked him to resign.
Last month Harvard took action against four delinquent property owners, placing liens on their properties for a total of $470,000.
“It’s a lot of articles.” That was Select Board member Kara Minar’s comment when the board completed its review of 35 of the 45 articles in this year’s Annual Town Meeting warrant. The board held off reviewing the 10 articles submitted by the Planning Board and scheduled another meeting for March 11 to discuss those.
The Harvard Select Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to censure former Select Board Chair Don Ludwig and request that he resign his seat on the board immediately. The action was in response to numerous complaints by residents about his posts on the X platform, formerly known as Twitter, denigrating women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community.
Alarmed by this year’s 15% increase to the town’s portion of employee pension contributions, Finance Director Jared Mullane has proposed a warrant article that would create a new stabilization fund to help pay for future increases.
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