Spring forward for daylight saving time
Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 9, at 2 a.m. Set your clocks ahead by an hour and change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
Save the dates: Town Meeting, election
- Town Meeting will be held Saturday, May 3, noon, at the Bromfield School’s Cronin Auditorium; the last day to register to vote at Town Meeting is Wednesday, April 23.
- The Town Election will be held Tuesday, May 6, at the Hildreth Elementary School. The last day to register to vote in this local election is Wednesday, April 23.
- Voting by mail is available: The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot is April 3. For more information, call the town clerk’s office at 978-456-4100, ext. 319.
Town board nomination papers due March 14
Nomination papers are available for people seeking to run for election to open seats on the Select Board, School Committee, and trustees for the Harvard Public Library and Warner Free Lecture Fund. Papers and information on the nominating process are available at the town clerk’s office at Town Hall. Papers must be submitted by Friday, March 14; the town clerk’s office will be open until noon that day.
Volunteer opportunities
Each year in June the Select Board makes appointments to town boards, committees, and commissions. Volunteers serve on bodies as varied as the Agricultural Advisory Commission, the Fourth of July Committee, and the Planning Board; the full list of offices is at www.harvard-ma.gov/home/news/volunteer-opportunities. Applications are due by May 1. Contact Executive Assistant Julie Doucet at jdoucet@harvard-ma.gov with questions. Complete a volunteer form at harvard.seamlessdocs.com/f/volunteerform.
Saturday hazardous waste collection
The Devens Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center will receive hazardous waste Saturday, March 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at 9 Cook Street (rear), Devens. Closed during rain; reopens when rain stops. For information on items accepted, packaging, and fees, visit DevensHHW.com.
Attention high school seniors
Each spring, the Harvard Woman’s Club gives scholar awards to high school seniors graduating from the Bromfield School, or Harvard residents who are graduating from the Parker Charter School; Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School; the Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science; the Advanced Math and Science Academy; or other public secondary schools. The club encourages seniors from the town of Harvard who are actively involved in community service to apply. Applications must be received by the Harvard Woman’s Club no later than March 28.
Complete information and applications are available through school counselors (NAVIANCE) and on the Harvard Woman’s Club website at harvardwomansclub.wordpress.com/scholarship.
Save your packing foam
The Board of Health is organizing a recycling event for packing foam in June. The recycling company will collect #6 bulk white packing Styrofoam and Styrofoam coolers, but not #4 LDPE expanded polyethylene as previously announced. White and black foam must be sorted separately, and all foam must be clean, dry, and free of tape. The recycling company does not accept foam packing peanuts, food containers, or insulation board. For more information or to volunteer, contact the Board of Health at boh@harvard-ma.gov.
Devens noise report
- Throughout March, small arms fire
- March 7-8, grenades
- March 11-12, grenades.