Letters to the Editor Policy

Letters to the Editor Policy

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Dwight, Tarlach, and janitorial staff kept youth basketball going

I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to Superintendent Linda Dwight, School Facilities Manager John Tarlach, and the entire janitorial staff at the Hildreth Elementary and Bromfield schools for their immense help in finishing out the town’s basketball season.

Harvard Athletic Association Basketball was met with the challenging news back in January that we were no longer able to employ the janitors on weekends, due to an accounting formality in which the rental fees we pay to use the gym were being deposited into an account that could no longer be used to reimburse the janitorial staff for their time. We rely heavily on the janitors for opening and closing the buildings, setting up the gym, cleaning up the gym and bathrooms, and ensuring the general safety and maintenance of the schools.

Linda Dwight, John Tarlach, and the janitors stepped up in a big way to ensure the children in town could finish out the remaining two months of basketball. Linda met me on weekends to open up the gym, often as early as 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning, and returned later in the day to make sure the school was locked. John Tarlach graciously asked the janitors to set up the gyms for us on Friday evenings so everything was ready to go for the weekend. I can only imagine the extra work the janitors had to put in on Monday mornings cleaning up from the weekend before the students arrived for school.

The last couple months of the season have made me feel particularly grateful to be part of our small and supportive community, where the superintendent of schools and her staff genuinely care about our children and are doing everything they can to encourage their interests.

Sarah Tufano, Ann Lees Road
HAA Basketball president

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