by John Osborn ·
Friday, March 28, 2025
Select Board member Rich Maiore has filed an open meeting law complaint against Chair SusanMary Redinger alleging she failed to follow proper procedure in handling a code of conduct violation he reported in February. Redinger, he alleges, acted on her own to resolve the complaint, contrary to the process outlined in the Select Board’s own code of conduct.
“The town’s code of conduct policy was developed and unanimously approved by the Select Board on March 15, 2022, following several public discussions,” Maiore wrote in his complaint, a copy of which was sent to Redinger and Town Clerk Rose Miranda, as required by state law, on Tuesday, March 25.
“The Chair failed to follow the outlined process but rather designated herself as the sole person to determine and act upon code of conduct complaints,” Maiore wrote. “The Chair’s unilateral action to revise the policy without input and approval from the majority of the Select Board in a public meeting violates the state’s Open Meeting Law.”
Redinger had no comment when the Press asked for a response Wednesday morning.
In his complaint, Maiore asked that Redinger discuss the February code of conduct complaint during executive session at the next meeting of the Select Board April 1; vote on the code of conduct violation upon entering back into regular open session; and acknowledge and apologize for the OML violation.