
Indigenous Peoples Day

In recent years, an increasing number of U.S. states and cities, including Harvard and 28 other towns in Massachusetts, have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. We believe Massachusetts should follow suit, joining the 17 states that have already made this change.

Columbus Day has been a federal and state holiday since 1971. Harvard’s Select Board voted to rename it two years ago, spurred by a nonbinding citizen petition at the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. But apart from noting the closed municipal buildings and schools, and the scores of families in town for apple-picking, residents could be forgiven for overlooking the altered significance of the day.

This shift in name isn’t about erasing history but rather acknowledging the rich cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples and promoting a more inclusive and truthful narrative of our state’s and nation’s past. Indigenous Peoples Day honors the original inhabitants of Massachusetts, spanning tribes like the Wampanoag, Massachusett, Nipmuc, and Mohican, who contributed significantly to our state’s cultural tapestry.

Moreover, this change rectifies historical inaccuracies and addresses the harm caused by Columbus’ arrival, which triggered colonization, exploitation, and violence against Indigenous communities. By replacing Columbus Day, we can foster a more accurate understanding of our nation’s history.

Recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day sends a message of inclusion and respect to today’s Indigenous communities in Massachusetts, acknowledging their cultural contributions and the challenges they face, such as land rights, environmental concerns, and cultural preservation.

Currently, a bill (S.1904/H.2626) in the Massachusetts legislature seeks to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. Introduced by state Sen. Jo Comerford and state Rep. Christine Barber in January 2023, it is pending in the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.

The bill proposes observing Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday in October, with activities acknowledging the history of genocide and discrimination against Indigenous peoples, celebrating their cultures, and highlighting their resilience. The bill has the support of organizations like the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness, the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Teachers Association, but has faced opposition from groups like the Massachusetts Italian American Heritage Association and the Knights of Columbus.

We urge our state representatives to support the bill’s passage, aligning Massachusetts with the growing movement to recognize Indigenous Peoples Day and fostering a more inclusive and truthful narrative of our history.

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