The Ambulance Service responded to five calls and transported two patients to the hospital, one with Advanced Life Support services on board. The ambulance responded to one motor vehicle collision.
Tuesday, March 4
At 1:20 p.m. the Fire Department made a service call to a house on Lancaster County Road; no report was yet available.
Friday, March 7
At 9:56 a.m. the duty officer and the forestry truck were called to a brush fire caused by a fallen power line on Littleton Road. Firefighters were also called to a downed power line on Warren Avenue.
Sunday, March 9
At 2:11 p.m. a 911 caller reported a brush fire on Brown Road. Engine 3, the tanker, and the forestry truck all went to the scene, where the fire covered about half an acre. The fire was started by embers that the wind carried away from a cooking fire.
Monday, March 10
At 8:27 p.m. a fire alarm went off at an Ayer Road house; the duty officer found it was triggered by a problem with the heating system and advised the owner to call the heating company.
The police and fire logs are written by a Press reporter based on dispatch logs and interviews with police and fire staff. Decisions to publish or withhold the names of people arrested will be based on our need to balance the privacy of individuals with our responsibility to report news of significance.