
Current & Virtual Events: March 14, 2025

Bromfield Drama presents ‘The Addams Family’

The Bromfield Drama Society will present the musical comedy “The Addams Family” in the Cronin Auditorium at the Bromfield School, 14 Mass. Ave., Friday, March 14, 6 p.m., Saturday, March 15, 6 p.m., and Sunday, March 16, 1:30 p.m. Adults $15, students and seniors $10, children under 5 free.


At the library

The Harvard Public Library is at 4 Pond Road. For the full calendar of events and to register for events, visit harvardpubliclibrary.org/services/events.

Children’s programs

  • Lego Expo, all ages, Saturday, March 15, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Twisted critters, ages 8 and older, Thursday, March 20, 3:45 p.m. Pipe cleaner animals.
  • Paws and read, grades K-6, Wednesday, March 26. Read to therapy dogs. Appointments at 3:45, 4:05, and 4:25 p.m.
  • GraviTrax challenge, ages 8 and up, Thursday, March 27, 3:45 p.m. Build a marble raceway.

Teen programs

  • Teen treat program, grades 6-12, Tuesday, March 18, 3 p.m.
  • Teen maker program, grades 6-12, Thursday, March 27, 3 p.m. Craft projects.

Adult programs

  • Children’s literature book discussion for grownups, Thursday, March 20, 7 p.m. “Impossible Creatures” by Katherine Rundell.
  • Stories of Boston Light, told by the nation’s last lighthouse keeper, Sally Snowman, Thursday, April 3, 6 p.m.

Suzanne Buell at the Cider Barn

The Cider Barn at Carlson Orchards will present Suzanne Buell in an evening of winter twilight music Friday, March 14, 4:30 p.m., at 115 Oak Hill Road. Enjoy cider and pizza and a new selection of songs at this family-friendly event.

Cybersecurity and national defense

The Fort Devens Museum, 94 Jackson Road, Devens, will host a program “The Fifth Domain of Warfare” Saturday, March 15, at 1 p.m. Gabriel Landowski, Army Reserve major and cyber operations officer, will share an update of current cybersecurity concerns and initiatives. Come and ask questions. Free and open to the public.

At Fivesparks

Fivesparks is at 7 Fairbank Street. Visit fivesparks.org for the complete schedule, hours, and more information.

  • Exhibit: Laurie Simko, “Past and Present.” On view through April 12.
  • Village Nursery School children’s art show, Tuesday-Thursday, March 18-20.
  • Pastel painting with Ann Gillespie, Wednesdays, March 26 through May 7, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Solar coaches at General Store

The Harvard Climate Initiative Committee will provide information on residential solar power to interested homeowners Saturday, March 15, 1 to 3 p.m., at the Harvard General Store, 1 Still River Road. Meet with residents who have personal experience with solar panel sizing, technical and roofing issues, the lease or purchase decision, and solar farm options for those without adequate roof and land space. Coaches will be available to pursue options in more detail; sign up at the event.

Wildlife and our relation to it

The Warner Free Lecture series will present “Invasives, Ferals, Pests, or Wild: How Language Shapes Our Treatment of Wildlife” Friday, March 21, at 7 p.m., at the library’s Volunteers Hall, 4 Pond Road. Dr. Allen Rutberg of the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University will discuss the use of contraceptive vaccines for white-tailed deer and free-roaming horses.

‘Enchanted April’ at Cannon Theatre

The Cannon Theatre will present “Enchanted April” weekends, Friday, March 21 through Sunday, April 6, at 28 Andrews Parkway, Devens. Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m. curtain; Sunday 2 p.m. curtain. Four London women rent a villa in Italy for a ladies-only holiday, clashing over and eventually coming to terms with differences in class and status. A classic play for all ages. Tickets and information at thecannontheatre.org.

Bromfield staff-senior volleyball game

The staff-senior volleyball game will take place Wednesday, March 26, 6 p.m., in the Bromfield School gym, 14 Mass. Ave. This annual competition, volleyball this year in place of basketball, raises money for scholarships for graduating seniors. Admission at the door $10 for adults and $5 for students.

Contribute $30 or more by Friday, March 21, and receive recognition in the program. Make checks payable to the Harvard Teachers Association; send to Lauren Crittendon at the Bromfield School office or Tammy Route at the HES office.

Girl Scouts dance: ‘Out of This World’

The Harvard-Bolton Girl Scouts annual special someone dance will be held Saturday, March 22, 6 to 8 p.m., at Florence Sawyer School, 100 Mechanic St., Bolton. All girls and their special someone are welcome. Tickets are $7 per person, maximum $35 per family. This is a cash only event, with treats, corsages, event photos, and crafts available for purchase.

Bingo night

The Harvard Schools PTO will host bingo night Thursday, March 27, 6 p.m., at the Hildreth Elementary School. For all ages and open to the entire community; enjoy 10 rounds of bingo, with prizes for each round. Snacks and refreshments will be for sale. All proceeds benefit the Harvard Schools PTO and its mission of supporting the educational experience for Harvard public school students.

Bloom N Art

The annual Bloom N Art will take place at Fivesparks, 7 Fairbank Street, Saturday, March 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, March 30, from noon to 4 p.m. In partnership with the Garden Club of Harvard, the Bromfield School art department, and Fivesparks, Bloom N Art is an exhibit of flower arrangements inspired by student artwork. Free and open to the public.

Save these dates

  • Tuesday, April 8, community book discussion “The Anxious Generation”
  • Friday, May 2, PTO Spring Soiree
  • Saturday, May 3, Devens and Shirley community-wide yard sale
  • Sunday, May 4, Loaves & Fishes 5K run


‘The Little Mermaid’ in Bolton

Nashoba Drama announces their production of “The Little Mermaid” Friday, March 14, 7 p.m., Saturday, March 15, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sunday, March 16, 2 p.m., at the Nashoba Regional High School auditorium, 12 Green Road, Bolton. Based on Hans Christian Andersen’s beloved story and the classic Disney film, this is a musical event for the family. Young attendees are welcome to a character meet and greet following the Sunday performance. Tickets are available at nashobadrama.com.

Community clarinet concert at Groton Hill

The Trio Belmont (clarinet, cello, and piano) will perform Wednesday, March 19, at noon at Groton Hill Music Center, 122 Old Ayer Road, Groton. Free but tickets are required, visit grotonhill.org/community-engagement/community-concerts.

American Quilts: The Art and Story of a Nation

The Concord Academy for the Performing Arts will host a lecture on the history of quilting in America Saturday, March 22, 5 p.m., at 166 Main St., Concord. Gerald Roy and Jennifer Swope of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, will speak, and illustrate their talk with a selection of quilts from Roy’s collection. Tickets $10.

The lecture is part of “Quilts 250: Stitching in the Spirit of Democracy,” a free, public quilt show Saturday and Sunday, March 22-23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Concord Academy, celebrating the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. Over 200 quilts will express themes related to the nation’s founding and the range of quilting arts in the last 250 years. For information visit quiltersconnection.org/Quilts250.html.

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