Everything under the sun for sale at the annual Harvard Flea Market

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Rachel Ferguson and Cara Olejarz shop for jewelry.

Mark Mandozzi walks away with a new rug.

Katie Zupancic (left) and Lee Zupancic examine an antique frame.


John Comeau enjoys his shopping while his dog Lola scouts for bargains.

Sue Ginouves searches for change.


From left: Nathan Rogers, Tom Khuu, and Max Trabulsi walk away with their spoils.

Because you can never have enough kewpie dolls....

Peggy Braat straightens up the table for the Harvard Woman’s Club.

Joan and John Accorsi buy an apple pie from the Congregational Church apple festival.

Brothers Hudson Weiss (left) and Max Weiss check out a coffee grinder.

Doctor Watson (Nick Norcross, left) and Detective Holmes (Price Day) try out some new pipes.

Sue Guswa waits for customers at the Friends of the Council on Aging booth.

Not just everything under the sun, but the sun itself seems for sale. While the Flea Market is known for goods, services are also represented, this one for solar installation.

Looking for a good book? 

Just one of many booths offering antiques and collectibles.

An Egyptian princess is on display, waiting to be purchased by a discriminating collector. 

From left: Sophia MacLean, Vijaya Macean, and Philip Wesley sell candy to benefit Celebration 2014, the after-prom party.

  All dressed up and waiting for just the right buyer.
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